When Meditation Isn’t Enough; The PTSD Battle - Part 2
by Wesley Birch
Where does the mountain end and the valley begin?
Has every drop of water on our planet gone through the 7 stages of the water cycle?
This morning, I can taste the clouds in my coffee; I am one with it all.
Yesterday I dealt with night terrors and PTSD flare ups. My last blog post may have seemed like everything was better after EMDR, but the truth of the matter is that yesterday was stressful. Though I was able to convince my brain that it was all in the past, my body was tired, my mind was tired, and only my soul was at peace. I was irritable and short with my family; they are used to dealing with my PTSD flare-ups. My motivation was low; it was a bad day. Over the years of battling with PTSD though, I have come to appreciate the bad days. I have learned to cope with them as they are happening, and I am so thankful for them, because without the bad days, I would not be able to enjoy the good ones. It is like 2 sides of a coin; If I tried to get rid of the bad days by shaving off that side of the coin, eventually I would be left with nothing; the coin would be shaved down to a powder. The bad side of the coin finally gone, I would be left searching for the good side of the coin. Searching, searching, searching, but no good side to be found, only a pile of coin dust, and I stare at it and remember how ungrateful I was for it. Oh what I would do to bring that coin back to enjoy the good side of it again, even if I had to endure the bad side.
May we be thankful for both sides of our coins, and be grateful for the moment, regardless of which side we are on.
One Love,